
Item author
Felipe Blum
Item Created
17 Jun 2010
Photo taken on
16 Jun 2010 4:27 am

Garbage removing

Cardboards are transported to the recycle center through this colecting system.

Context of the observation

As in many other bigger cities, people with a low income tries to earn money from colecting waste in the streets. In this case, this 33 years old man colects cardboard from the garbage, and take it to a recycling center, he usually makes 50 reais per day ( 23 euros ), but that amount may vary with the quantity, kind and quality of the cardboard.
He walks in the street, along with the cars, and when he needs to parks his card to load it, he does it in anywhere, sidewalk, street.
He works everyday, from 7 am to 7 pm.


Circulo militar do parana, curitiba


1 Interpretation

This kind of colecting is pretty common in Curitba, they grab the garbage from the street, and also helps to recycle, what is very good to the city. But the bad part is that influences the traffic a lot. Sometimes, long lanes are formed behind them in the street, and makes the drivers very upset.

Jaqueline Diedam
17 Jun 2010

2 Questions & 0 Responses

How can the people who use those trolleys be less disturbing for other road users when working?

Jaqueline Diedam
17 Jun 2010

How much garbage can be collected during the 12 working hours? Are the routes of the garbage removing fixed? If not, how the route of every day can be planed.

Ruolai Xu
17 Jun 2010