Workshops and Projects » Urban Intersections Curitiba » Inside the tube: behavioural events at a bus stop



Bianca Berti
Pedro Branco
Vivian Jacob
Lucas Martinichen
Inside the tube. Final apresentation.

Initial Position

 The urbanized downtown site of Curitiba provides one of the most efficient public transportation in comparison to other brazilian capitals. One kind of many Curitiba's bus stops is the »tube« bus stop, which deserves a special attention also for its innovative tube-shaped structure but mainly for motivating social interaction.

The »tube« works like this: The passenger finds the entrance in one end of the tube and pays the operator(cashier) the bus fee(by cash or a city hall magnetic card). The passenger then waits inside the tube and get in the line to the next bus. All of these events lead to a large social interaction between workers, operators, kids going to school, tourists, etc.

Considering the large amount of interaction that occurs in a day-to-day basis, where are the opportunities to benefit all of these users, concerning their happiness, satisfaction, information access and propagation and the understanding of usage and advantage of Curitiba's bus system? How to improve the user's experience, including passengers and operators, with themselves and with each other while waiting for the bus inside the »tube«? 

Item Overview


This is a common scenario in ‘’tube’’ bus stops: the cashier handles non-expensive , easy to find kinds of materials to implement in his/her workplace. Sometimes to make it more comfortable, like placing big cardboards strategically to block out sunrays off of the eyes, and other times to optimize work functionality, like covering cracks and open areas with foam to stop wind from messing up with... more

15 Jun 2010 by Pedro Branco

#131 Sitting may steal your turn

Tubes have a red resting bar where people can sit and lean for getting rest while waiting for the bus. Although, the doors to enter in the bus are located in the other side of the tube, when its crowded, it`s very common that passengers that really need to use the bar, like elders, people carrying heavy/big things, others with kids and babies, cannot use the bar without losing their turn in the line.... more

16 Jun 2010 by Pedro Branco

#133 Protection From Rain Issues

This picture a cashier use a box under his feet in a tube bus stop in Curitiba, located near to the municipal botanic garden. This tube is situated in a big avenue where a lot of people ca many bussies all day long. In tubes bus stop, the sides are open to the outside enviroment, and when its raining, its impossible dont let water get in to the tube, so cashier use this kind of box to protect their feet... more

16 Jun 2010 by Lucas Martinichen

#143 Self Made Sun Protection

In this picture its shown a piece of fabric fixed with vacuum cups, made by the woman cashier that works in this tube, localized near the Botanic Garden of Curitiba.  In this case, she brings and takes it away with her everyday, since she made it and it belongs to her. The propose of this adaptation is to protect her from the sun. more

17 Jun 2010 by Vivian Jacob

#145 The Payment Line

There are two ways to pay for the bus ticket (to get into the tube). First, you pay by cash. Second, you pay by a sort of debit card. The issue comes when people with the card need to wait for those who are waiting for the cash change from the cashier – and there is only one line for both.   more

17 Jun 2010 by Bianca Berti