In general in Cologne the phenomenon of illegal car parking happens frequently. People are looking for the parking place in narrow streets, so they often neglect the rules to park their cars.
The photographes in this item shows always the same situation, where car parkers try to stay legal with still parking in half of the marked parking spaces. All photos where taken in the Südstadt, a quarter of cologne.
1. Only half of the yellow car is in the marked parking space. The boarder of the parking space ends clearly under it. The two cars park very closely to the driveway of the building in the back.
The space in direct front of the drive has to be free. Cars are not allowed to park in front of a driveway. If a car blocks the entrance of a driveway it can get a parking ticket for paying a fine.
2. Another car parking only in half of the parking space. The other half is a no parking zone because of the driveway on the other side of the pavement.
3. 2 cars parking on the same parking space. This marked area is ment to be for 1 car. Behind the parking space is an exit of a house.