
Item author
Thomas Wasilewski
Item Created
15 Jun 2010
Photo taken on
14 Jun 2010 2:53 pm
14 Jun 2010 4:47 pm
14 Jun 2010 3:11 pm
Photo author
Thomas Wasilewski

Typical parking space in cologne

Silver car parks behind anoter car on same parking space

Typical parking space in cologne

Red car parks in front of white car on same parking space

Typical parking space in cologne

Yellow car parks behind green car on same parking space

Context of the observation

In general in Cologne the phenomenon of illegal car parking happens frequently. People are looking for the parking place in narrow streets, so they often neglect the rules to park their cars.

The photographes in this item shows always the same situation, where car parkers try to stay legal with still parking in half of the marked parking spaces. All photos where taken in the Südstadt, a quarter of cologne.

1. Only half of the yellow car is in the marked parking space. The boarder of the parking space ends clearly under it. The two cars park very closely to the driveway of the building in the back.

The space in direct front of the drive has to be free. Cars are not allowed to park in front of a driveway. If a car blocks the entrance of a driveway it can get a parking ticket for paying a fine.

2. Another car parking only in half of the parking space. The other half is a no parking zone because of the driveway on the other side of the pavement.

3. 2 cars parking on the same parking space. This marked area is ment to be for 1 car. Behind the parking space is an exit of a house.





2 Interpretations

There is very view parking space in the streets in cologne. We saw multiple times, that people nearly always park their car by the rules, but try to bend these. Parking just over the marking or with half of the car in a forbidden zone and with the other half in a legal space, is very common. Also the parking people try to park their car in such a way, that they do not disturb any driveway or the traffic. Many factors contribute to this situation, but in the end, the driver decides, where he parks and where not. If the situation is unclear, maybe, because the driver isn’t sure, if this is right or wrong, he/she observes the parking surroundings and looks for clues, if the car would block somebody’s way, or an entrance. He/she also thinks about the consequences. If he/she thinks, nobodys way is blocked and if the consequences will not be so drastic, like getting a ticket for 10 euro, he/she will take the chance and park his/her car on this spot, even, if it’s not clear, weather he parks by the laws.

If the situation is very clear, the driver decides just after the consequences, if he/she will break the consisting rules. But as all of us are egoists, the car parkers are so to. They would not park their car in front of a drive way, because it would block somebodys way, but they would think of the consequences and that this would mean, that they have to pay a huge fine and the car would probably be removed from the parking space.

When a parking situation or the consequenses are unclear or ambiguous, a potential carparker tends to decide according to his/her own advantage. When a parking situation is clearly defined, the parker tends to decide according to his/her consequences.

Thomas Wasilewski
15 Jun 2010

One thing that started happening in Curitiba a few months ago: As there were being too many irregularities on car parking in downtown Curitiba, the traffic department started

Pedro Branco
17 Jun 2010

8 Questions & 0 Responses

Do the people really have to park exactely inside the marked parking spaces?

Thomas Wasilewski
15 Jun 2010

Does it makes sense to tell the people, where they can park their car, and where not?

Thomas Wasilewski
15 Jun 2010

Is the sign of parking not so obviously for people to recongnize?

Ruolai Xu
17 Jun 2010

Do people that dont obey the parking signs get parking fines? And how hard is that? Becuase if there is a good fiscalisation and hard penalities, people would may think twice before parking in wrong places.

Lucas Martinichen
17 Jun 2010

How could a simplification of the parkingsituation affect the decisions of the parker?

Thomas Wasilewski
25 Jun 2010

What can make the people more responsible?

Thomas Wasilewski
25 Jun 2010

How big is the influence of unconcious decisions and feelings on the parking?

Thomas Wasilewski
25 Jun 2010

How do get people to act not egoisticly?

Volha Kazlova-Sambo
25 Jun 2010