
Item author
André Sheydin
Item Created
27 Sep 2009
Photo taken on
12 May 2009 8:30 am
Photo author
Josef Kril

Various types of vehicles

Sharing the space at the Globe Cinema Roundabout

Context of the observation

The leading mkokoteni with a heavy load on it is beeing pulled by a person on the rear while beeing directed by the person at the front. Another well loaded mkokoteni is following while a jeep is trying to get between them maybe to turn left and to leave the roundabout. The second mkokoteni tries to slow down to create a gap for the turning in car. The cars are beeing decelerated by the relatively slow movement of the mkokoteni. Mkokoteni dangerously intrucding into vehicular (motorized) route of movement. Pulling and pushing mkokotenis on roads lead to congestions and impede traffic flow.


Globe Cinema Roundabout, Muranga Road, Nairobi


3 Questions & 0 Responses

How can the security and usability of mkokotenis be improved?

André Sheydin
27 Sep 2009

What structures and situations endanger NMVs, and what are the consequences of counteracting this by road construction, laws or vehicle design?

André Sheydin
08 Nov 2009

How should non-motorised transport strategies mesh with urban planning?

André Sheydin
08 Nov 2009