Easily branded space spread out in any area and advertise money transfering service. Bright green corporate colours are easily connected with the
service provider. The m-pesa has spread to the simplest of places. There is hardly any settlement that does not have a m-pesa near it. The m-pesa has made it easier for banking and money exchange within your areas of residence. This has reduced the need to travel downtown in order
to get access to banking.
- Item author
- Jochen Edling
- Item Created
- 27 Sep 2009
- Photo taken on
- 13 May 2009 2:18 pm
Context of the observation
2 Questions & 0 Responses
How will the fact that 26,3 % of Kenyans are saving money on their mobile phone, since they have no bank account, change the traditional banking sector?
In which other sectors could digital decentralization like in mobile money transfer be achieved, which is also physically present as it has 4 times more branches than there are ATMs?