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Emperor Love Packaging

Zenique Packaging

Ten Ren Packaging

Wang de Chuan Packaging

Context of the observation

Packaging is a very powerful media and an important component to advertise the product. Purchasing in the supermarket crucial decisions are taken at the point of sale when customers  do have a look at the shelf and chose those things which appear to be the best, most beautiful or cheap.  Package designs reflect the identity of the brand and the product and are a clear incentive for customers to buy. Brands always succeed  if they recognise the importance of packaging for brand recognition and marketing, for that on-shelf consumer impact, and as the contact point for the brand relationship. Comparing four brands tea packages we had many questions which popped up during our discussions.
Traditional brand is easy to differ from the modern one, but how do we get this message, what are the signals we’re associating with modernity, luxury or tradition?

Wang de Chuan
Wang de Chuan is using very clean and pure design - simple shapes, materials and minimum of color. Here you can see directly a smart combination of tradition, luxury and long history. “Wang de Chuan” tea is famous as a very good quality tea with an old traditional taste and it is often bought wit hthe purpose to give it as a gift. Wang de Chuan has more package design solutions but red cans are the most representative for this brand. Simplicity and minimalism give an impression of uniqueness.

Ten Ren
The best-seller of Ten Ren’s tea brand. A low-price tea with a quite simple cheap package but a strong traditional taste. Numbers stand for series, it makes easier for customers to remember the number of the tea they like the most and to recognize it easily.Traditional, friendly, inexpensive.

The package is very attractive, it has a warm brown color and reminds of nature. Zenique design often reminds Japanese style with it’s organized simplicity and high quality. Clean shape, color and typography make the package look expensive. A very “tea” oriented, natural, pure design. The advantage of this package is that you can store tea in it even when Zenique tea leaves will be over. Zenique as a brand tries to emphasize that tea leaves they are selling are organic.

Emperor Love
This package got an “ iF communication design award”. The package is designed in oriental style. Clean and simple, but not that luxurious. beautiful pure design, original, gives a feeling to tea package to be expensive.




4 Questions & 0 Responses

In what way does the red colour support the brand’s philosophy?

25 Jun 2012

How relevant is the aestethics issue for a tea brand to have good sales results?

17 Aug 2012

Are simplicity and minimalism of the package the only ways to appear for a brand as a natural product?

17 Aug 2012

Does the package still stay traditional being modern?

17 Aug 2012