
Search for "tube"

Displaying results 1 to 10 out of 11

  • Urban Intersections Curitiba

    /Workshops and Projects » Urban Intersections Curitiba


    ... really cycle in Curitiba? Which infrastructure is... more Inside the tube: behavioural events at a bus stop The urbanized downtown site of ... brazilian capitals. One kind of many Curitiba's bus stops is the »tube« bus stop, which deserves a special attention also for its innovative tube-shaped structure but mainly for motivating social interaction. The »

  • Research



    ... the international, culture-spanning teams decide amongst themselves the situations to be observed ( › MICRO-EVENTS ‹ , e.g. ›In the Tube‹ ). These ›micro-events‹ more clearly define the still somewhat abstractly formulated topics and further underline the meaning of action ...

  • Workshop Structures

    /Research/Workshop Structures


    ... the international, culture-spanning teams decide amongst themselves the situations to be observed (› MICRO-EVENTS ‹, e.g. ›In the Tube‹). These ›micro-events‹ more clearly define the still somewhat abstractly formulated topics and further underline the meaning of action ... by a further concretisation of the TOPICS (›Using a Bus-stop‹), the teams decide on a specific › MICRO-EVENT ‹ (e.g. ›In the

  • Workshops and Projects

    /Workshops and Projects


    ... in cash. Woman paying with the debit card. Woman getting into the tube by paying with the debit card. Garbage removing Cardboards are ... position, thus saving space for the cars. Wood Box In curitibian`s tubes, cashiers use a box to elevate their feet from the floor, protection from rain water puddles. WAITING IN THE


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