
Search for "support"

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  • Transporting goods on NMV

    /Workshops and Projects » Urban Intersections Curitiba » Transporting goods on NMV


    ... have to pick up the cans from the floor, or from a pile of it and attach them in a special support that is located on the front and rear of the bicycle . They ride their bike with many extra ... any kind of bike that can be used for that purpose, these ones are made with front and rear supports, and have a parking system near the front tire. This bicycles are left outside the store ... the goods is happening. Strings are used to attach the gallons on the front and rear

  • Online Knowledge Base

    /Project Scope/Online Knowledge Base


    ... for the on-site project work, providing a workshop framework, input and methodological support . The intranet of the platform of the participating workshop teams helps to prepare the work before the on-site workshop and supports the systematic analysis by using a ›just-in-time‹ storage model for the project findings ... team is dealing with one topic. The 5-day-workshop structure and the Cultural Library website

  • Tools



    Tools As a methodological support the students find here a collection of especially for Cultural ... theme. The 5-day-workshop set-up and structure of the topic sheets support the teams during the process of research and analysis and help to ... to the topic are listed here. Item Sheets / Snapshots Item sheets


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