
Search for "modes"

Displaying results 1 to 5 out of 5

  • Mobility: Cycling Tokyo

    /Workshops and Projects » Mobility: Cycling Tokyo


    ... a close look mobility with bicycles in Tokyo. We are looking for innovation potentials in the usage of bicycles (also in connection with other modes of transportation ) in Tokyo. There are a lot of obvious advantages of bicycles – but also a lot of challenges. Keywords: Public transport, ... information display, personalized information, mobile information, commuting, mixed mode transportation, bus, bus stop, metro, station, traffic

  • Mobility in Nairobi 2009

    /Workshops and Projects » Mobility in Nairobi 2009


    ... how can these be categorised? more Non-motorized vehicles: small-scale mobility soultions In today's world we are surrounded by transportation modes, which transport uns or objects of any kind from place to place. These engines have been playing an important role in their development because ...


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