
Search for "method"

Displaying results 1 to 10 out of 30

  • Methods



    Methods Participant Photo Observation At the beginning of the fieldwork, ... as suspicious or invasive – here cultural probes might be a better method of gaining insights. In any case, observers need to be aware that ... on by other parties. Cultural Probes Probes are qualitative methods, used to understand the behaviour of people (and their relationship ... driving, etc. could possibly be of interest to other people. The

  • Cultural Library meets Urban Cultural Spaces



    ... project with Shanghai, led by Prof. Sven-Anwar Bibi. Within this week we will evaluate the existing tools of observation and the general methodology. The aim is to refine the methodology on the basis of manual and web-based tools and to improve its accessibility. written on 6. December 2010 in News by Cultural Library « back

  • Cultural Library presentation at Nihon University ...



    ... the Cultural Library project on invitation of the Nihon University, College of the Arts. In this lecture, the general apporach and developped methodolgy will be presented and discussed with professors and students from the University. written on 23. October 2011 in News by Cultural Library « back

  • Research



    ... gained from previous PROJECTS helped us to refine the process in order to create a set of methods and improve the structure of the projects and the on-site work. In a first step, the project ... in bigger projects and related to the Cultural Library META THEME (issue of mobility). CL Methodology / Online Knowledge Base Terminology The WORKSHOP THEMES are precisely determined while ... subjects to further interpretation by the workshop team. The here presented framework for a

  • Cultural Library Formats

    /Project Scope/Cultural Library Formats


    ... Kommunikation, Kultur und Austausch, 3. Forschungs-Methodik, 4. Interaktive Bibliothek: Ausstellung und ... Er wird dazu genutzt Cultural Library, die Forschungsmethodik und Vorgehensweise sowie vorangegangene Projekte ... 3. Five-Day-Workshop Essentieller Bestandteil unserer Methodik ist die speziell für studentische Teams, die ... haben eine auf diesen Ablauf abgestimmte Auswahl an


  • Only words with 2 or more characters are accepted
  • Max 200 chars total
  • Space is used to split words, "" can be used to search for a whole string (not indexed search then)
  • AND, OR and NOT are prefix words, overruling the default operator
  • +/|/- equals AND, OR and NOT as operators
  • All search words are converted to lowercase