
Search for "history"

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  • Tea Brands

    /Workshops and Projects » kung fu cha dao new perspectives on chinese tea culture » Tea Brands


    ... asking precise information about the products but also as researchers and asked about brand’s history, tea origin and design team. The tea sellers shared with us main ideas hidden behind the ... development  visual appearance concept Key value of the tea shop “Cha?” is keeping memory, history and tradition but at the same time staying up-to-date. Sharing and hospitality are the main ... customers Tea brand “cha?” addresses to the wealthy people appreciating cultural traditions,

  • Methodology



    ... to them). Questions will arise from the analysis and description of the observations -and local people explain the use, the background, the history, rituals (and become informants or local representatives in the Cultural Library by doing so). This is an important cultural contextualisation. ...


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