
Search for "taipei"

Displaying results 1 to 10 out of 53

  • Project

    /Workshops and Projects/Project


    ... Musashino Art University Partners Shih-Shien University (SCID) Taipei 00 00 Workshop Street Stalls in Taipei In January 2008 the two Japanese professors Prof. Tadanori Nagasawa and Prof. Hiroshi Imaizumi (MAU) did a street stalls workshop in Taipei with students from the Shih-Chien University, Taipei.

  • Street Stalls VI Taipei

    /Workshops and Projects » Street Stalls VI Taipei


    ... Art University (MAU) Partners Shih-Shien University (SCID) 00 00 Workshop Street Stalls in Taipei In January 2008 the two Japanese professors Prof. Tadanori Nagasawa and Prof. Hiroshi Imaizumi (MAU) did a street stalls workshop in Taipei with students from the Shih-Chien University, Taipei.

  • Sustainable Mobility Taipei

    /Workshops and Projects » Sustainable Mobility Taipei


    ... School of Design (KISD) Partners Shih-Shien University (SCID) 00 00 Cultural Library Weblog For the project »Sustainbable Mobility« in Taipei, a weblog was set up, where the Taiwanese students had the possibility to upload and discuss their project results. The project »Sustainable Mobility« took place at the Shih-Chien University in


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  • All search words are converted to lowercase