
Search for "central station"

Displaying results 1 to 7 out of 7

  • Workshops and Projects

    /Workshops and Projects


    ... not. In the end they went away. illegal group parking a big group of bikes illegal parking at central station 3 signs and 1 bike There are 3 "no bike parking" signs next to a bike. Next to the bike are ... were put on the saddles one morning. Wild group of bikes A lot of bikes in front of the central station solo bike A rare sight - a lonely bike parked in a back alley. Scooter vs Bicycles Scooters ...

  • Range of topics

    /Research/Range of topics


    ... bicycles big boda bike blocking boda boda braking branding breakfast bus station bus stop business busses car cars cart cashier cashier. central station chair chapati children city city council city life city planning class structure collector cologne comfort commercial vehicles common commuting ...

  • Parking a car

    /Workshops and Projects » Urban Intersections Cologne »  Parking a car


    ... more about the behavior of the parking people, we decided to go to a more busy spot in Cologne. The Bresslauerplatz is a place in front of the central station. People stop off there to pick up or drop off people. The space right in front of the station is a no parking zone. People still tend to park ... in the back. ... more 15 Jun 2010 by Thomas Wasilewski #132 Short time parking The situation takes place in the morning in front of the cologne


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