
Search for "delivery"

Displaying results 1 to 7 out of 7

  • Urban Intersections Curitiba

    /Workshops and Projects » Urban Intersections Curitiba


    ... downtown Curitiba has a traffic jam during most time of the day, and this makes people choose not to go out to buy goods., instead they call delivery services. With this fact in mind, we went trough the delivering process in this specific part of the town, and we found out that the delivery is made by someone with a bike, that are many difficulties to supply this social... more Parking a bike in Curitiba Curitiba is well known in ...

  • Workshops and Projects

    /Workshops and Projects


    ... in order to stop wind from messing with bills and sheets. attaching 5 gallons of water to a bike The bicycle in this pic shows how the delivery goods system works in downtown Curitiba. The people who works with it can attach up to five gallons of water to a single bike. Busstop Santa ...


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